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Årets Sær Pris nominee, CPH Culture 2020

First Prize, Birmingham European Festival 2013

Audience Prize, Birmingham European Festival 2013

Best Male Performers, SKENA-UP Festival 2013

Next Door 



Best Male Performer, Birmingham European Festival 2010

Posthumous Works 



Spotlight Award for Best Ensemble, Summerworks Festival 2008

I'm So Close...





"Her blev en hjertevarm afsked blandet med sjove barndomserindringer, her blev anerkendelsen af alle slægtled der gik forud for os selv indkapslet med en positiv fortolkning af meningen med livet." - Forbrugermania 


"you would be hard-pressed to find a better-integrated or more inviting marriage of mimetic movement and narrative." - The Times 

"entertaining and thought provoking... " - British Theatre Guide 

“Imaginative and groundbreaking... an unforgettable journey into the human psyche...” - The Copenhagen Post 

Desværre kan jeg kun givet stykket her 6 Kongekroner. Jeg ville gerne give dem mange flere.Stor teateroplevelse. Jeg anbefaler ”Next door” på det varmeste." - 

Next Door

The production creates a charming mode of story telling that is comic and engaging...and Hansen’s lack of inhibition creates a feeling of wonderment and an enviable sense of play. - ThreeWeeks

Posthumous Works

“an absorbing theatrical experience, a funny and kinetic whirl of theatre, modern dance (with some impressive moves!), projected images and dialogue.”   - 

Jain, Bugaj and Findsen, who co-created the play, are not only brilliant writers and creatives, but they are talented, dynamic actors. - Mooney on Theatre

“unfolds with delightful unpredictability…this acting trio is packed with potential…” -NOW Magazine 

“From the sublime to the ridiculous…an example of innovation in theatre” - Vancouver Sun 

I'm So Close...

"Dynamique et joyeuse...un voyage autobiographique et poétique". 

- CAP Magellan (Tours)

La petite fille de l'immigrée

"ce spectacle prometteur et unique sur la place parisienne, déconcertant et jubilatoire mené, tantôt en français, tantôt en anglais (rassurez-vous totalement accessible même pour ceux qui ne disposent que de connaissances élémentaires), par un sextet féminin cosmopolite, drôle et corrosif, tout juste sorti de l’Ecole internationale de théâtre Jacques Lecoq, est d’une fraîcheur revigorante et d’un humour roboratif." - Froggy's Delight

Georgette Va Au Supermarché
“It might just be the perfect introduction to one of the greatest plays in Western theatre.” -
“It takes a brave director to take on Hamlet, a braver one to reinterpret Shakespeare’s best-known work...Ravi Jain and Katrina Bugaj succeed in a number of ways.” - NOW Magazine
The Prince Hamlet
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